"For the music and the call must be for us."

Immersed in NaNo

11/09/2009 13:35

I have survived the first week of NaNo, and I am even ahead of schedule in terms of word count.  As of late last night, I had completed 17,041 words.  This experience is amazing.  I've never allowed myself to write without self-judgement or criticism before, simply letting the words flow out without worrying about sentence structure, getting the perfect word, or the fact that is just plain sounds awful.  The mantra here is: Keep going, you can fix it later!  Fix it later!  Fix it later!  I didn't have an outline or any such thing before I started, just a vague idea and a few scenes in my head.  I had no idea what was going to happen, and I have come up with quite a few surprises already, learning about my two protagonists as I go along, and meeting some new people as well.  Can't wait to see what happens next!


I'm trying to keep up with my non-fiction articles this month, as well as writing the novel.  It's hard to focus on the articles, when what I really want is to jump back into my fantasy world.  Self-discipline was never my strong suit. 



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