"For the music and the call must be for us."

NaNo: The Odyssey Continues

11/17/2009 23:06

Week three of NaNo:  I am getting very tired.  I am at just over 37,000 words, well ahead of schedule.  I am hoping to cross the 50,000 word finish line before Thanksgiving.  Wow, what an adventure this has been!  The story is coming out entirely different than what I originally envisioned, which admittedly was pretty vague.  Major inconsistencies in the plot have reared their ugly heads, but I have ignored them and kept going.  Most of the writing is awful, but I have resisted the urge to revise any of it and kept going.  I will fix everything later.  Much later.  I'm not sure I will even want to look at this literary atrocity for awhile, but there are definitely some parts of it that I like a lot.   I may just save those scenes and write a whole new novel around them.  The most surprising thing about this whole experience is how easy it has been to just write recklessly and with total abandon.  I didn't think I'd be able to do it, and I didn't think it would be so much fun.

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