"For the music and the call must be for us."

Publications and Rambling

11/03/2010 19:57

The Golden Visions Magazine with my story, The Lych Owl's Cry, came out in October.  Here's the link to the website:



I also got another story published!  It is my fairytale, The Nasty Duchess.  I am quite fond of it, and I've been hoping to get it published for a long time.  It came out in Fall issue of Moon Drenched Fables, and you can read it online here.


I have written a couple of new short stories, and so far each has been rejected once.  That's ok, but I need to get them back out there.  I'm also trying to make some progress on a children's novel; I'm not sure where I'm going with it, however.  I need to do some planning, research and daydreaming.  I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year, I'm focusing on quality rather than quantity at the moment.


In the non-fiction arena, I'm mainly writing for Associated Content, and some for Bright Hub. I hadn't written anything for AC in quite a while, and then I heard about their Featured Contributor program, so I am now a Featured Contributor in Alternative Medicine and Education.  It gives me a chance to share my knowledge about herbalism, as well as lesson plans and teaching methods gleaned from my experience as a teacher. 


I've also been doing some non-writing things, like starting an herbal products company.  This entrepreneur thing is all new to me!  But everything seems to tie together in one way or another.  The journey is the goal.



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