"For the music and the call must be for us."

What will the New Year Bring?

01/11/2010 22:18

I have been rather remiss in updating my website.  The holidays followed fast on the heels of the NaNo marathon, and I feel like I was swept along on a tide of shopping, eating, drinking, and visiting with friends and family.  Suddenly the tide receded, and left me washed up on the beach of January, 2010.  I can't believe how fast the last year flew by, but looking back, I feel that I did get quite a bit accomplished in terms of my writing.  I started writing for Associated Content in February and and Bright Hub in June, and wrote over 100 articles between the two sites.  I also entered several fiction contests, won second place in one and Editor's Pick in another, and got a story accepted to an online publication.  In December, I got accepted to write for Suite101.  So far I have published 3 articles on Suite101, and I have put a Widget on here, over on the left side, for those who would like to read them.  I am quite excited about writing for Suite101.  It was the first online writing site that I discovered back in fall 2008, and I have wanted to write there ever since, but was waiting to get some experience under my belt.  I took the plunge and applied in December, and to my delight, I was accepted right away.  I like the fact that I am free to write on any topic.  I am enthusiastic and optimistic about the coming year. 

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